It is estimated that:
Being aware of risk factors, and especially of your own risk factors is really important in helping you to avoid and protect yourself from thrombosis.
The the most common risk factors for thrombosis are:
It is important that you discuss this with your doctor if any of these risk factors apply to you.
Most blood clots occur as a result of hospitalisation. This can be because you may undergo surgery, be receiving treatment that might increase the risk of blood clots or also because you can be very immobile when in hospital and for a period of time after discharge.
If you're thought to be at risk of developing DVT, talk with your healthcare team about measures to prevent a blood clot forming.
You can reduce the risk of developing a DVT by making changes to your lifestyle, such as:
If you're planning a long-distance plane, train or car journey, make sure you:
Download the free Let’s Talk Clots patient information app.
Scan the QR Code to find the app in the App Store
Scan the QR Code to find the app in the Google Play Store