Case study – Quality Improvement projects to improve omissions in the nursing delivery of LMWH injections for thromboprophylaxis in hospitalised patients – Emma Gee, Becky Simpson, Ria Wright & Stephanie Rivera
How achieving Exemplar Status shapes practice – Christine Welburn
VTE Network support: case studies from the VTE Exemplar 'buddy system' – Emma Gee & panel
HemoSims – a new interactive virtual training simulator for PPH, Trauma and the Cardio thoracic settings – Dr Rhona Maclean and Dr Mat Simpson
Are all fibrinogen sources the same – Dr Rhona Maclean and Prof Nikki Mutch
The use of the geko™ device (a neuromuscular electrostimulation device) for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients with acute stroke – Dr Indira Natarajan
Improving VTE practice based on experience – Loizos Georgiou
An information film made with Thrombosis UK and the National Nursing and Midwifery Network
An information film made with Thrombosis UK and the National Nursing and Midwifery Network
An information film made with Thrombosis UK and the National Nursing and Midwifery Network
An information film made with Thrombosis UK and the National Nursing and Midwifery Network
VTE prevention film, 2022
An information film made with Thrombosis UK and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
An information film made with Thrombosis UK and the National Nursing and Midwifery Network
An information film made with Miranda Hobson, haematology midwife and St Mary’s Hospital Manchester
A filmed presentation with Dr Raza Alikhan, Consultant Haematologist, University Hospital Wales