Annually, Thrombosis UK offers grants for healthcare professionals and scientists whose study will help improve the experience and outcomes of VTE patents or extend the understanding of thrombosis.
Apply by September 15, 2021
A new partnership with the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) to offer a joint Training Fellowship through ISTH's Training Fellowship Program (ISTH-TF Program).
The grants in this program provide fellows with financial support for travel, accommodation and living expenses for a fellowship period of up to two (2) months (possibly to extend to 4 months on accepted applicants).
It is intended for clinicians and scientists at an early stage in their career (within 10 years of completion of PhD or completion of clinical sub-specialty training).
The ISTH-INVENT Fellowship's focus will be on conducting clinical research trials and building relationships to promote international collaborations.
Application Deadline: September 15, 2021.
Application Details:
Applications open: Monday 4th January 2021 – Wednesday 31st March 2021
This grant is intended to support the development of UK-based pilot studies of well-defined VTE patient populations and expected to generate valuable datasets that will support a future large scale research grant application.
The ideal pilot study would provide a framework for initial research in an area of VTE where funding is limited. Thrombosis UK is unable to provide long-term support and so it is envisaged that the support provided by Thrombosis UK in this Pilot Study Grant will enable applications to other funders for large-scale continuing support after completion of the pilot study.
Maximum value up to £15,000 with a time frame expected between 6-12 months.
For full details please read:
Applications for the Pilot Study Grant and
Grant Application Guide
Applications must be submitted on a word document and emailed to [email protected] no later than 18:00 on Wednesday 31st March 2021.
// Applications for Travel Fellowship grants are currently closed \\
Funding amount
Maximum of £1,000 for overseas projects and £500 for UK projects.