If you are planning to raise money for Thrombosis UK, we hope the following FAQ's will be useful. If there's any element of fundraising that you're still not sure about, please call us first so that we can give you all the advice you need to make your fundraising successful, legal and fun.
Thrombosis UK have also compiled a helpful document with tips for successful fundraising.
Becoming a fundraiser for Thrombosis UK could not be easier, simply follow our 'Getting Started' guide.
Alternatively, if you do not want to setup a MoneyGiving or JustGiving page, you can fill in our Fundraiser Registration Form.
Thrombosis UK can then process your application and support you and any fellow fundraisers in making sure your chosen event or activity is successful.
Unless we receive a donation where the person has requested that it be earmarked for a specific project, for example, a campaign or to support research; then money received is used to fund the many on-going projects we are involved in.
This includes the Charity’s annual awareness campaign run during May, our participation in World Thrombosis Day work, printing and distribution of information leaflets, development of new information resources, and the many varied educational and awareness activities we are involved with each year.
Yes, we will add a news item, a story within the fundraising section and promote via our Social Media channels.
Thrombosis UK do not have a minimum fundraising amount, but be aware to check your chosen event and your entry to it, as this may stipulate a minimum amount to be raised by you.
If you are participating in a walking or running event, and have a fundraising page set up, you can claim 1 free T-shirt. If it is a team effort, you can order Thrombosis UK T-shirts, cycling shirts or running vests from the Thrombosis UK shop.
Unfortunately Thrombosis UK cannot provide an unlimited set of fundraising materials to support all of our fantastic fundraisers.
However, we do offer a series of Fundraising materials at a greatly discounted price. Order your Fundraiser pack in the Thrombosis UK shop
Anybody who opens a JustGiving or Virgin MoneyGiving page to raise money for a walking or running event can claim 1 free T-shirt. If it is a team effort, you can purchase Thrombosis UK T-shirts, cycle shirts and running vests from the Thrombosis UK shop
Order your Fundraising Pack from the Thrombosis UK shop
Currently we don't have any bonded places for a specific event such as the London Marathon. However some supporters have been successful by applying for ballot places in a prestigious event such as the London Marathon.
We do apply annually for a free charity ballot place, and will advertise any places if we are successful